Traditional Thai Therapy

Timis > Dumbravita. Publicat miercuri, 24 august 2016 , vizualizat de 8303 ori

Tip anunt: Oferta

Tip: Sanatate & servicii cosmetice

Localitate: Dumbravita

Blending of the Thai massage: deep pressure, stretching and classic western stress - relieving techniques: using vary strokes of gliding and kneading with little of oil to unlock tension, relieve pain, and promote circulation. Finishing the session with hot stone therapy for your relaxation Traditional Thai massage Thai_Yoga_Massage is a unique massage experience that will facilitate deep relaxation while wiping away your stresses. This massage is enjoyed comfortably in loose fitted clothing. The famous Thai massage techniques incorporate stretching, palming, and pressure points over the entire body. The ancient healing knowledge of Thailand is amazing and highly therapeutic. This massage is perfect for those with tight or achy muscles including those who suffer from back, shoulder, or neck pain and headaches. Your practitioner will provide a massage over the entire body to ensure all areas of concern are addressed. Each massage will be customized to meet your specific goals. Thai massage is known for its long term benefits and we’ve seen a large majority of our guests receive extended benefit from this massage treatment. Our specialized experience in Thai massage relieves muscle pain and tension resulting in you feeling completely restored and rejuvenated. Applying pressure on energy points combined with passive stretching creates an experience meant to bring profound relaxation, to increase flexibility and energy flow. Wear comfortable clothes: pants and T-shirt.

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